Ralph Wiggum: Whale Egg Hunter (and Pyromaniac)

About Ralph
Episode Guide
Picture Gallery
Newsletter Sign Up
Related Links
Contact Me
Monty Python Page

"Look daddy, a whale egg!" This is the well-known call of Ralph Wiggum: Whale Egg Hunter. This site is a fan site like no other.... WAV files, pictures, Monty Python Page (for something completely different), biography (very short), a newsleter, and lots of other stuff. This website is new and it's the first site I've ever built before. It is your job to proof-read (I'm not the best proofreader)! Please, if you see any errors (e.g. grammar, spelling, false fact), don't hesitate to email me at LeprechaunOfFire@lycos.com. I hope you enjoy this site. Note: This site is not affiliated with FOX in any way.

Recent Updates and Announcment:
-This update list will now contain announcments from me
-This site will soon be moved (in a few months, depends what you consider soon). I'm going to create a super-website that will have all of the research I have done on various things, program help, all my sites I have created will also be added to it. It will take a bit to copy this whole site though. I will let you all know my status throughout the process.
-Deleted the links on the Sponsor Links page, just click on the logo and it will go to the website
-Changed the introduction
-Added another episode to Episodes With Ralph
-Expanded Monty Python Mini-site (The Monty Python Mini-site will now have a seperate updates list)
-Deleted site survey
-Added more quotes to the Monty Python Page (mostly French guard taunts from Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
-The "Simpsons Theme" will now only play once in the background instead of continuously
-Moved newsletter sign up form to Newsletter Sign Up
-Deleted the News and Gossip section; no one was emailing me gossip and there was no news on the Simpsons, so I took it out
-Fixed punctuation error in newsletter sign up form
-New! Ralph Wiggum: Whale Egg Hunter and Pyromaniac weekly newsletter (scroll down to find the form to sign up)
-Corrected various errors
-Added two comments to Mailbag
-You can now download the Simpsons Theme Song (see "Quotes")
-Every time you visit a different page in this site, Ralph will welcome you with one of his quotes
-Added Simpsons theme music to play automatically. (Whenever you visit, it will automatically play on the Home page only.)
-Added more sponsor links. ("Sponsors")
-Added animated cursors (Please contact me with feedback on them, I know that they get on some people's nerves, but some people enjoy them.)
-Added a lot more pictures of Ralph (big thanks to my sponsor, xanga.com/azn_persuasion88)
-Added Advertisement for sponsor's site (be sure to check it out, he helped me find some Ralph pictures!)
-Changed file names for pages (not such a signifcant change)
-Added picture of Ralph and his computer to "Picture Gallery"
-Fixed some typos
-Added picture of Ralph and the leprechaun who tells him to burn things
-New! "Contact Me" AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) screen name
-Added my name to "Guestbook"
-Changed some words around (punctuation)
-Added more pictures of Ralph
-New! Recent updates text (Your readin' it right now!)
-New! Guestbook (Please take the time to fill it out!)
-Took off search engine links and posted them in the "Guestbook" section


Total number of guests that have visited this page since it was published April 30, 2005:

Current ESTIMATED Vistor Average Per Day: 2

"Look daddy, a whale egg!"