Ralph Wiggum: Whale Egg Hunter (and Pyromaniac)

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Here's a chance for you to contribute.

This is where I will post questions, thoughts, and opinions that are emailed to me. (See "Contact Me" if you would like to submit a question.) But keep in mind, there will not be enough room to post all the messages I get, so don't be dissapointed if it is not posted. Note: I will only post your message if you give me permission. Messages must also be appropiate, this is a kid-friednly site!

Comment: 5/15/05- dude! awesome stuff man! awesome stuff...

Comment: 5/11/05- dude! the advertisement is awesome......... (for xanga.com/azn_persuasion88)
Answer from me: Thanks, I made it myself. If you wish for me to advertise your website, contact me at LeprechaunOfFire@lycos.com

"Look daddy, a whale egg!"